4 September 2024
- Twitch Plays can no longer claim "Top Times" on a user page.
- Modules page now limits the number of results by default.
- A few backend updates for maintainers.
9 May 2024
- Modules now link to your preferred manual page for that module on the repo.
11 March 2024
- New Modules page! Lists which missions contain each module, sortable by popularity, published
date, or alphabetical.
- New rule: new missions must not contain modules that are not on the
- Rank on the Solvers page now works like most leaderboards, ties in rank X mean that
no one holds rank X + 1.
- Profile filter is now more accurate and correctly handles missions with vanilla modules. It assumes all experts
know all vanilla modules.
- Maintainers can now add proof links to an existing solve without resubmitting the whole solve.
22 October 2023
- Users can see their own unverified uploads on their user page (must be logged in).
- User pages now feature Top Times and First Solves statistics.
- Ranks on the Solvers page are now equal for any users with equal Distinct and Total solve counts.
- Mission ID is now required when uploading a mission.
- This is the string (of format "mod_missionPackId_missionId") that uniquely identifies the mission in Unity.
- When uploading a mission, the logfile importer will attempt to find the mission ID in the logfile, but do
double-check the value it fills in because the format of logfiles is inconsistent on this matter.
- The mission ID is now present in the missions endpoint.
- The in-game name of a mission (which may differ from what it's called on this site) is now in the
missions endpoint.
- A few bug fixes on solve uploads.
26 September 2023
- There is now a list of Restricted Manuals that may not be used during a mission.
- Users must now be logged in to upload anything. Maintainers can look up who uploaded a solve, mission, or mission
- New way to view solves on a user page: by recently added ("Newest")
- New filter on the homepage: "Has Solo Solve". Also the "Has Team/EFM Solve" no longer counts solos.
- When you upload a logflie as proof of a solve, the Mission Name and Time Remaining are filled in automatically. Be
sure to double-check the values it fills in.
- Impoved alert messages for when mission and mission pack uploads fail.
24 August 2023
- Maintainers can add notes to missions for additional info about the mission.
- Login now handles Discord's new username system better.
- Solves can now be marked as "old", meaning they were accepted under a previous version of the bomb.
- A few bug fixes regarding module color highlighting and searching on the home page.
1 March 2023
- Missions and Mission Packs now have a Date Added field.
- When pasting a logfile during a Solve upload, mission name and time are filled in from the logfile info.
- Make sure to double check what gets filled in; the info may be wrong in rare cases if the logfile contains
multiple missions or bombs.
- When uploading a mission, a Logfile Analyzer link is now required instead of a file upload.
- Missions can now store a link to the logfile that defines its mission parameters.
- New sort option on the home page: Date Added
- A few minor bug fixes
8 February 2023
- New page: What's New? (You're looking at it!)
- New Info tab in the top navigation bar
- Link to Rules page
- Link to GitHub where you can post suggestions, issues, or even contribute to the project
- Link to What's New page
- On a mission page, if it has a variant, click on the name of the variant to go to that variant's mission page.
- A few navigation bug fixes
24 January 2023
- Users can upload TP solves. No more need to post them to the CB Site Data Errors thread. There's even a Solver's page for TP too! The link is in the upper left of the Solvers page.
- Mission Packs now have their own pages that list the missions in that pack.
- In a Mission's page, the pools show the percentage of that pool that's made up of each specific module
- Mission pages have two view options: Pools and Probabilities
- Maintainers can add notes to bomb solves. These are for special circumstances, like doing Australia bomb upside
down or doing a bomb as a Yes/No challenge, etc.
- Multi-bomb missions now have Time Mode and Strike Mode (global / local)
11 January 2023
- Home page remembers your search text. There's an option to turn that off in the filter menu if you prefer.
- Uploading of multiple bomb missions now works.
- Uploading a mission with the same name as an existing one will replace the mission's parameters, bombs, and
modules if accepted.
- Pools are easier to see and distinguish with new dashed border only on pools that have multiple modules in them.
- You can sort and filter by number of bombs on a mission.
- User names can now have special characters (e.g. *\"!?#, etc.)
- Lots of little cosmetic / QOL changes.
23 December 2022
- Users Solver's pages have changed. Among other changes, there are now two view options: Alphabetical and By Role.
- If you solve a mission as a Defuser, as an Expert, and by doing EFM, that mission is listed in green on your
solver's page.
- Unverified solves do not affect the statistics on mission cards or a user's solves stats.
- You can filter by missions that have been solved by TP separately than missions that have been solved by a team.
- Lots of little cosmetic / QOL changes.
7 December 2022
- Proof links in the list of solves for a mission now say whether they are a logfile link, a video link, or a
generic link.
4 December 2022
- When uploading a solve, the Team and Proof textboxes are dynamically generated as you add team member names and
proof links.
27 September 2022
- New search option: name of people who solved the mission
- New filter options:
- Min and max number of modules
- Min and max about of time given
- Min and max number of strikes
- Min and max number of widgets
- Whether a mission has been solved or not
- Whether a mission has a boss module or not
- Whether a mission has a semi-boss module or not
- Whether a mission has a pseudo-needy module or not
- Whether a mission has a needy module or not
- Upload a Defuser or Expert or Combined profile to filter missions whose modules match that profile
- New sort options:
- By mission name
- By number of modules
- By amount of time given
- By number of solves
- By percentage of rule seeded modules on the bomb
21 September 2022
- Added search bar to home page with options to search by mission name and author name.