Boss/Semi-Boss Needy Has Other Quirks
47 Modules · 1:05:00 · 5 Strikes · 5 Widgets
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...? ...? A Square A Square Ars Goetia Identification Ars Goetia Identification Astrology Astrology Baba Is Who? Baba Is Who? Bad Wording Bad Wording The Block The Block Blockbusters Blockbusters Bloxx Bloxx Boolean Venn Diagram Boolean Venn Diagram British Slang British Slang Butterflies Butterflies Chamber No. 5 Chamber No. 5 Character Codes Character Codes Character Shift Character Shift Chord Progressions Chord Progressions The Clock The Clock Color Addition Color Addition Color Generator Color Generator Color Hexagons Color Hexagons Color Pong Color Pong Colored Squares Colored Squares Corridors Corridors Countdown Countdown Cryptic Password Cryptic Password Daylight Directions Daylight Directions Diffusion Diffusion Emotiguy Identification Emotiguy Identification Extended Password Extended Password Faulty Sink Faulty Sink Flashing Arrows Flashing Arrows Flipping Triangles Flipping Triangles Flower Patch Flower Patch Font Select Font Select Four Lights Four Lights The Glitched Button The Glitched Button Gyromaze Gyromaze Halli Galli Halli Galli The Hidden Value The Hidden Value Higher Or Lower Higher Or Lower Hyperactive Numbers Hyperactive Numbers IKEA Documents IKEA Documents Imbalance Imbalance Ingredients Ingredients Insanagrams Insanagrams Instructions Instructions Invisymbol Invisymbol Kahoot! Kahoot! Keypad Magnified Keypad Magnified LED Encryption LED Encryption Line Equations Line Equations Literally Something Literally Something Marco Polo Marco Polo Mastermind Restricted Mastermind Restricted Matching Morse Matching Morse Maze Swap Maze Swap Mercury Mercury Mineseeker Mineseeker Module Homework Module Homework Monsplode, Fight! Monsplode, Fight! Name Changer Name Changer Netherite Netherite Nifty Number Nifty Number Not Complicated Wires Not Complicated Wires Numbered Buttons Numbered Buttons Parliament Parliament Password Generator Password Generator Pattern Lock Pattern Lock Patterns Patterns The Pentabutton The Pentabutton Pip-Nado Pip-Nado Pixel Number Base Pixel Number Base Point of Order Point of Order Purgatory Purgatory The Purple Button The Purple Button Reading Between the Lines Reading Between the Lines Red Button't Red Button't Risky Wires Risky Wires Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock Rotten Beans Rotten Beans Royal Piano Keys Royal Piano Keys S.E.T. S.E.T. Saul Goodman Button Saul Goodman Button Scrutiny Squares Scrutiny Squares Sign Language Sign Language Simon Said Simon Said Simon Sounds Simon Sounds Simon's Statement Simon's Statement Simple Hexabuttons Simple Hexabuttons Spangled Stars Spangled Stars Spongebob Birthday Identification Spongebob Birthday Identification Standard Crazy Talk Standard Crazy Talk Subscribe to Pewdiepie Subscribe to Pewdiepie Synonyms Synonyms Teal Arrows Teal Arrows Timezone Timezone Totally Accurate Minecraft Simulator Totally Accurate Minecraft Simulator The Troll The Troll Truchet Tiles Truchet Tiles Ultralogic Ultralogic Uncolored Squares Uncolored Squares USA Maze USA Maze V V Venn Diagrams Venn Diagrams Visual Impairment Visual Impairment Wander Wander Westeros Westeros White Arrows White Arrows
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The 1, 2, 3 Game The 1, 2, 3 Game 1D Maze 1D Maze Adjacent Letters Adjacent Letters Ángel Hernández Ángel Hernández Aquarium Aquarium The Assorted Arrangement The Assorted Arrangement Audio Morse Audio Morse Bases Bases Battleship Battleship Big Circle Big Circle Binary LEDs Binary LEDs Binary Tango Binary Tango Bitmaps Bitmaps Black Hole Black Hole Blackjack Blackjack Boolean Wires Boolean Wires Breakfast Egg Breakfast Egg Bridge Bridge Broken Binary Broken Binary Broken Karaoke Broken Karaoke Brown Hexabuttons Brown Hexabuttons Brush Strokes Brush Strokes Catchphrase Catchphrase Challenge & Contact Challenge & Contact Cheep Checkout Cheep Checkout Classical Order Classical Order Color Math Color Math Colorful Madness Colorful Madness Coloured Cylinder Coloured Cylinder Connect Four Connect Four Cooking Cooking Cruel Binary Cruel Binary The Cruel Duck The Cruel Duck Customer Identification Customer Identification DACH Maze DACH Maze The Dealmaker The Dealmaker Digital Cipher Digital Cipher Digital Dials Digital Dials Double-Oh Double-Oh Eight Tiles Panic Eight Tiles Panic Equations X Equations X European Travel European Travel Fast Math Fast Math Find The Invisible Cow Find The Invisible Cow Fire Diamonds Fire Diamonds Fitting In Fitting In FizzBuzz FizzBuzz Flashing Lights Flashing Lights Follow Me Follow Me Footnotes Footnotes Frankenstein's Indicator Frankenstein's Indicator Gadgetron Vendor Gadgetron Vendor Gameboy Cartridge Gameboy Cartridge The Gamepad The Gamepad Golf Golf The Green Button The Green Button Guitar Chords Guitar Chords The Hangover The Hangover hexOrbits hexOrbits Hidden Colors Hidden Colors Historical Phrases Historical Phrases Homophones Homophones Identity Parade Identity Parade Integer Trees Integer Trees Keypad Lock Keypad Lock Kim's Game Kim's Game Logic Logic M-Seq M-Seq Macro Memory Macro Memory Magic Square Magic Square Mahjong Quiz Easy Mahjong Quiz Easy Manometers Manometers The Matrix The Matrix Mega Man 2 Mega Man 2 Memory Wires Memory Wires Microcontroller Microcontroller Mid Circle Mid Circle Mini Mini Modern Cipher Modern Cipher Module Maze Module Maze Modules Against Humanity Modules Against Humanity Mssngv Wls Mssngv Wls Navinums Navinums Not Piano Keys Not Piano Keys Not The Plunger Button Not The Plunger Button The Number The Number The Number Cipher The Number Cipher The Number Game The Number Game NumberWang NumberWang Orientation Cube Orientation Cube Overcolored Squares Overcolored Squares Painting Painting Passcodes Passcodes Pie Pie Pigfair Cipher Pigfair Cipher The Pink Button The Pink Button Piragua Piragua Pixel Cipher Pixel Cipher Placeholder Talk Placeholder Talk Plagiarism Plagiarism Poker Poker Puzzle Identification Puzzle Identification Quadruple Simpleton't Quadruple Simpleton't Quick Arithmetic Quick Arithmetic Rain Rain Rambopo Rambopo Recursive Password Recursive Password Regular Crazy Talk Regular Crazy Talk Resistors Resistors RGB Sequences RGB Sequences Roger Roger Round Keypad Round Keypad Safety Square Safety Square Scratch-Off Scratch-Off The Screw The Screw Sea Shells Sea Shells Seven Deadly Sins Seven Deadly Sins Shut-the-Box Shut-the-Box Simon Supports Simon Supports Slipping Triangles Slipping Triangles Small Talk Small Talk Snowflakes Snowflakes SQL - Basic SQL - Basic Square Button Square Button Stability Stability The Stare The Stare State of Aggregation State of Aggregation The Stopwatch The Stopwatch Subway Subway Superlogic Superlogic Symbolic Colouring Symbolic Colouring Symbolic Coordinates Symbolic Coordinates Taco Tuesday Taco Tuesday Tasque Managing Tasque Managing Tell Me Where Tell Me Where Tents Tents Thinking Wires Thinking Wires Timed Out Timed Out Treasure Hunt Treasure Hunt The Triangle Button The Triangle Button Uncolored Switches Uncolored Switches Unicode Unicode UNO! UNO! USA Cycle USA Cycle Vexillology Vexillology Warning Signs Warning Signs Wendithap'n Wendithap'n White Hole White Hole Wire Ordering Wire Ordering The World's Largest Button The World's Largest Button Yahtzee Yahtzee
0.7% each:
2048 2048 21 21 A Message A Message A-maze-ing Buttons A-maze-ing Buttons Accumulation Accumulation Alpha-Bits Alpha-Bits Arithmelogic Arithmelogic Atbash Cipher Atbash Cipher Bartending Bartending Basegate Basegate Basic Morse Basic Morse Battle of Wits Battle of Wits Benedict Cumberbatch Benedict Cumberbatch Bicolored Squares Bicolored Squares Binary Tree Binary Tree Black Hexabuttons Black Hexabuttons Blind Math Blind Math Blind Maze Blind Maze Blue Cipher Blue Cipher Boomtar the Great Boomtar the Great Boxing Boxing Burglar Alarm Burglar Alarm Burnout Burnout Castor Castor Chinese Zodiac Chinese Zodiac Christmas Presents Christmas Presents Color Decoding Color Decoding Color Grid Color Grid Coordinates Coordinates Cruel Boolean Maze Cruel Boolean Maze Damocles Lumber Damocles Lumber Decolored Squares Decolored Squares DetoNATO DetoNATO Digital Grid Digital Grid Double Maze Double Maze Dr. Doctor Dr. Doctor Dripping Triangles Dripping Triangles Earth Earth Factoring Maze Factoring Maze Faulty Buttons Faulty Buttons Functions Functions The Garnet Thief The Garnet Thief Generated Maze Generated Maze Gettin' Funky Gettin' Funky Ghost Movement Ghost Movement Gray Hexabuttons Gray Hexabuttons The Hexabutton The Hexabutton Hexamaze Hexamaze Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics The High Score The High Score Iñupiaq Numerals Iñupiaq Numerals The iPhone The iPhone Jack Attack Jack Attack Juxtacolored Squares Juxtacolored Squares The Klaxon The Klaxon Know Your Way Know Your Way Kooky Keypad Kooky Keypad Lasers Lasers Light Cycle Light Cycle Lines of Code Lines of Code Logic Gates Logic Gates Logic Wheel Logic Wheel The London Underground The London Underground M&Ms M&Ms Maintenance Maintenance Manual Malady Manual Malady Masked Morse Masked Morse Match Refereeing Match Refereeing Maze 'em Maze 'em Meteor Meteor More Code More Code Morse Buttons Morse Buttons Morse-A-Maze Morse-A-Maze Mouse In The Maze Mouse In The Maze Multicolored Digits Multicolored Digits Musical Transposition Musical Transposition Mystic Square Mystic Square Neutralization Neutralization Nonogram Nonogram Not Number Pad Not Number Pad Not Poker Not Poker Number Nimbleness Number Nimbleness Only Connect Only Connect Paperweights Paperweights Perplexing Wires Perplexing Wires Perspective Pegs Perspective Pegs Phones Phones Pigpen Cycle Pigpen Cycle Plant Identification Plant Identification Pollux Pollux Puzzle Panel Puzzle Panel Quantum Passwords Quantum Passwords Quantum Ternary Converter Quantum Ternary Converter Reverse Polish Notation Reverse Polish Notation Scripting Scripting Semamorse Semamorse Shape Fill Shape Fill Shapes and Colors Shapes and Colors Silly Slots Silly Slots Simon Samples Simon Samples Simon Shifts Simon Shifts Simon Shines Simon Shines Simon's Star Simon's Star Simpleton't Simpleton't Slow Math Slow Math Snooker Snooker Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog Spinning Mazes Spinning Mazes Squeeze Squeeze Stained Glass Stained Glass Stupid Slots Stupid Slots Tangrams Tangrams Telepathy Telepathy Ten Aliens Ten Aliens TetraVex TetraVex Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe Touch Transmission Touch Transmission UIN(+L) UIN(+L) Unown Cipher Unown Cipher Uranus Uranus Valves Valves Varicolored Squares Varicolored Squares Venus Venus X-Ray X-Ray xobekuJ ehT xobekuJ ehT Yellow Hexabuttons Yellow Hexabuttons
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3N+1 3N+1 64 64 Access Codes Access Codes Adventure Game Adventure Game Alchemy Alchemy Algebra Algebra Alien Filing Colors Alien Filing Colors Alphabetize Alphabetize Amusement Parks Amusement Parks Antimatter Dimensions Antimatter Dimensions Apple Pen Apple Pen Art Pricing Art Pricing ASCII Art ASCII Art Back Buttons Back Buttons Badugi Badugi Barcode Cipher Barcode Cipher Binary Puzzle Binary Puzzle The Bioscanner The Bioscanner Blind Arrows Blind Arrows Boolean Maze Boolean Maze Boolean Network Boolean Network Braille Braille Broken Buttons Broken Buttons Broken Guitar Chords Broken Guitar Chords Button Grid Button Grid Button Sequence Button Sequence Caesar Cycle Caesar Cycle Chalices Chalices Chess Chess Chord Qualities Chord Qualities Coinage Coinage Color Morse Color Morse Colored Keys Colored Keys Colored Switches Colored Switches Colors Maximization Colors Maximization Connection Device Connection Device Crackbox Crackbox Creation Creation Cryptography Cryptography The Cyan Button The Cyan Button The Dials The Dials Dictation Dictation Digit String Digit String Digit Sum Digit Sum Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. Double Listening Double Listening Drive-In Window Drive-In Window Dumb Waiters Dumb Waiters Earthbound Earthbound Encrypted Maze Encrypted Maze English Entries English Entries Fake Beans Fake Beans Faulty Binary Faulty Binary Faulty Chinese Counting Faulty Chinese Counting Fillominordle Fillominordle Free Parking Free Parking Friendship Friendship The Furloid Jukebox The Furloid Jukebox Garfield Kart Garfield Kart Gem Division Gem Division Genetic Sequence Genetic Sequence Goofy's Game Goofy's Game Graffiti Numbers Graffiti Numbers Green Hexabuttons Green Hexabuttons Grid Matching Grid Matching Gridlock Gridlock Grocery Store Grocery Store Gryphons Gryphons Guess Who? Guess Who? Harmony Sequence Harmony Sequence Hold Ups Hold Ups Hole in One Hole in One Horrible Memory Horrible Memory Hunting Hunting Ice Cream Ice Cream The Icon Kit The Icon Kit IKEA Plushies IKEA Plushies Inside Inside Keywords Keywords Left and Right Left and Right The Legendre Symbol The Legendre Symbol Lunchtime Lunchtime Lying Indicators Lying Indicators M&Ns M&Ns Mad Memory Mad Memory Maritime Flags Maritime Flags Mayhem Mayhem Melody Sequencer Melody Sequencer Meter Meter Modulus Manipulation Modulus Manipulation Morse Complication Morse Complication Murder Murder Musher the Batten Musher the Batten MWISort MWISort Negativity Negativity Not Bitmaps Not Bitmaps Not Colored Squares Not Colored Squares Not Colored Switches Not Colored Switches Not Connection Check Not Connection Check Not Crazy Talk Not Crazy Talk Not Emoji Math Not Emoji Math Not Text Field Not Text Field Number Pad Number Pad Number Sequence Number Sequence Orange Hexabuttons Orange Hexabuttons Over Kilo Over Kilo Pathfinder Pathfinder Pawns Pawns Periodic Words Periodic Words Pigpen Rotations Pigpen Rotations Pineapple Pen Pineapple Pen Playfair Cipher Playfair Cipher Pocket Planes Pocket Planes Point Grid Point Grid Polybius Square Polybius Square Prime Encryption Prime Encryption Pseudocrypt Pseudocrypt The Radio The Radio Raster Prime Raster Prime Recolored Switches Recolored Switches Reverse Morse Reverse Morse Rhythms Rhythms Role Reversal Role Reversal Saimoe Maze Saimoe Maze Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt The Sequencyclopedia The Sequencyclopedia Shifted Maze Shifted Maze Signals Signals Simon Simon Simon Screams Simon Screams Simon Selects Simon Selects Skewed Slots Skewed Slots Skipping Triangles Skipping Triangles Small Circle Small Circle Sound Design Sound Design Spot the Difference Spot the Difference Stack'em Stack'em Street Fighter Street Fighter Sueet Wall Sueet Wall Switch Placement Switch Placement Symbol Cycle Symbol Cycle Symbolic Tasha Symbolic Tasha Tap Code Tap Code Tasha Squeals Tasha Squeals Ternary Tiles Ternary Tiles Third Base Third Base Triamonds Triamonds The Triangle The Triangle Tribal Council Tribal Council Triple Term Triple Term Tripping Triangles Tripping Triangles Updog Updog Vigenère Cipher Vigenère Cipher Voltorb Flip Voltorb Flip White Hexabuttons White Hexabuttons Who's on Morse Who's on Morse Wild Side Wild Side XmORse Code XmORse Code The Yellow Button The Yellow Button Zoo Zoo
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